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Full Alert Text:

The National Weather Service (NWS) reports the temperature is 80 degrees, with a heat index forecast of 93 degrees. A Heat Emergency has been issued in the District of Columbia. Due to impacts from COVID-19, the list of cooling centers has changed. Visit for an updated list of available cooling centers.

Take an active role in your safety and take action to stay cool:

· Drink plenty of water and wear lightweight, loose fitting clothing.

· Do not leave children or pets in vehicles.

· If you see an animal left outside or in vehicles during extreme heat, call the Humane Rescue Alliance at 202-576-6664.

· Pet owners should keep pets indoors, walk pets early in the morning, and give pets plenty of water.

For additional tips on extreme heat, visit

Many alerts regard violent crime. Do not take action, instead call 911 with the event number if listed.

Originally recorded:

July 05, 2020 - 12:52 PM


All text is recreated exactly as it is seen on the official source. and @crimealertsdc are not affiliated with DC Government or Police.